Saturday, December 18, 2010

WHUD meteorologist Jim Witt's Hudson Valley Weather Calendars

The New Year is almost here! Do you want a gorgeous new calendar that (1) features a stunning photo of the Hudson Valley each month?  (2) gives you the long-range weather forecasts?  (3) supports a good cause?  Well, look no further. Each year WHUD meteorologist Jim Witt teams up with local photographer Joe Deutsch to produce these lovely wall calendars.  It's a labor of love for all involved, for the proceeds all go to the Hope for Youth Foundation.
    How accurate are Jim's long-range forecasts? I have mine on my kitchen wall and can assure you, the December forecasts haven't disappointed!
    Each fall up to the end of the year Jim goes out and tirelessly promotes the calendars with personal signing appearances. This morning I caught up with him (pictured above) in Fran's Hallmark in Monroe. The owners of this store have been staunch supporters of the Hope for Youth Foundation for many years, Jim told me.
    To purchase your calendars, visit for a list of stores that carry them (cost: $8.00 each). Or to order by mail, send $10 per calendar (includes shipping) to:
The Hope for Youth Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 8
Buchanan NY 10511
Make your check payable to Hope for Youth Foundation.
The calendar also makes a great gift! Thank you for supporting this cause.

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